5 Habits to Sabotage Healthy Hair


Do you have an amazing stylist? Purchase the most expensive products, vitamins etc. although your hair still does not want to cooperate? Genetics can be responsible for hair that’s dull and lifeless, although poor nutrition, bad habits and hormonal imbalance may be to blame. Each plays a huge role in hair texture, shine, quality, and how much of it you have.

Extreme Dieting- When following any diet plan be careful not to go too low on calories for an extended period of time. Juice cleanses and elimination diets have merit, although they are best done intermittently. Your body needs enough calories and energy to support hair growth. Losing weight too rapidly can also lead to a condition called Telogen Effluvium. When this happens the hair follicles can go prematurely into a resting phase and cause the hairs to fall out.

Passing on protein- Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein and we need them to maintain healthy hair. If protein is deficient in the diet it can lead to alopecia, thinning hair, and premature graying. If you follow a vegan diet make sure to include daily servings of legumes, raw nuts, seeds, nut butters, avocado, and quinoa. Vegetarians may also be lacking in calcium, iron, b vitamins, zinc, and essential fatty acids. Nutritional supplements are highly recommended if you are avoiding fish, meat, and dairy.

Fear of Fat– Watching for saturated fat is obviously important but we don’t want to cut out all fat from our diet. Healthy fats such as Monounsaturated Fat and Polyunsaturated Fat are necessary on many levels to support bodily functions as well as maintain beautiful hair. Omegas 3’s are extremely beneficial and can be found in olive oil, avocados, nuts, and fatty fish. Stay away from fat burners and diet pills since they can cause fluctuations in hormones and contribute to hair loss.

Overmedicating- It’s not uncommon to experience hair loss when you are on several prescription drugs. Antidepressants, birth control pills, and anti- inflammatory drugs can cause your hair to thin as a side effect. If you’ve noticed a difference since beginning a new prescription, consult with your doctor.

Stressing out- Stress can cause accelerated aging and wreak havoc on your hormones. It’s one of the factors that directly correlate with your appearance. When you are stressed, chances are you’re not sleeping well either. Premature graying, thinning, and overall hair loss can result from the body being out of balance. Find ways to calm yourself down. Whether it’s a workout, taking a bath, getting out of the city, or hiring a baby sitter, as you relax you will definitely start looking better.