Coffee or Green Tea?


Despite what you may have heard, drinking coffee is on the top of my list for beverages to avoid. I know it seems confusing since there are consistently reports defending why coffee is good for you, but most people are unaware that it can also be damaging. Even with the antioxidants coffee can provide, there are lots of reasons to kick the habit.

Increased cortisol levels: Coffee can spike cortisol levels which increase insulin and inflammation (and can ultimately lead to weight gain).

Nervous stomach: Caffeine related anxiety can be a disaster. Running to the bathroom is the last thing you want on your mind when you have to give a presentation or you’re stuck in traffic!

Increased stomach acid: Increased stomach acid could create digestive discomfort and also fuel hunger.

Insomnia: More than one cup of coffee daily or coffee past late morning can throw off your sleep cycles.

Now that I bring up insomnia, let’s talk a little about sleepless nights. Having puffy eyes the following day is bad enough but the lack of sleep produces increased levels of the hunger hormone “ghrelin” and decreased levels of the satiety/fullness hormone “leptin”. Besides potential weight gain, you don’t want to perpetuate this seesaw of lousy sleep and once again relying on coffee all day to keep you going.

If you’re craving a morning boost, you are much better off going for organic green tea. You still reap the energizing benefits of the coffee without the acidity. Green tea also contains an anti-anxiety compound called L-Theanine that doesn’t leave you wired in the manner that coffee does. While it’s challenging in the beginning – having a more balanced mood, better digestion and a sounder sleep are well worth the sacrifice.