Nootropics: Brain Health Rockstars


Nootropics have been gaining popularity as a class of cognitive enhancing supplements, otherwise referred to as “Smart Drugs”. The term nootropic was coined by a scientist named Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea in the 1960s, who invented this word from latin; νους nous, meaning mind, and trepein meaning to turn or bend. Nootropics were designed to stimulate brain function while maintaining low risk for toxicity with long-term use.

Brain Power: Nootropics can help modulate neurotransmitter receptors, sharpen memory, attention and focus. There are several classes of nootropics. “Racetams” are the founding class of nootropics which are based on derivatives of Piracetam. Some of the most popular racetams are Phenylpiracetam, Aniracetam and Pramiracetam which all share the same chemical structure. Additionally, these racetams can prevent damage to brain cells from excess alcohol consumption.

Feeling Stressed? Certain nootropics are especially effective in stimulating the production of GABA (a neurotransmitter which calms nervous activity). Phenibut and Picamilon are two great examples that promote a feeling of tranquility when under stress. In addition to being used as an anti-anxiety remedy, Phenibut can work extremely well as a sleep aid without the morning hangover. Picamilon, the other nootropic promotes relaxation, yet also contains niacin (which works as an anti-oxidant) while increasing circulation and oxygen to the brain.

Age Prevention: Since nootropics affect neurotransmitter production (brain chemicals that communicate information throughout our brain and body) this also plays a role in slowing down the aging process. Staying on top of brain health can later prevent mental degeneration and problems such as memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease down the road.

Superior to Coffee: It’s easy to become dependent on coffee for keeping alert and on the ball. Although coffee contains anti-oxidants; multiple cups can cause inflammation, disrupt hormones and trigger anxiety. Nootropics are a great way to stay sharp while keeping an even disposition throughout the day. Unlike coffee, used properly – they won’t sabotage – but instead promote a great night’s sleep.