Remedy Indigestion with Food Combining


One of the most common reasons for digestive upset is eating the wrong food combinations. We often ignore our enzymic limitations and overburden our system – leading to indigestion. Our digestive systems are not prepared to be bombarded with the haphazard assortments of foods we eat at just one seating. There are reasons why animals instinctively avoid the wrong combinations of foods.  We know that Primitive Man lacked the variety that exists in the modern day world. They ate simply with very little combining. If a caveman hunted an animal, that meat would be eaten alone. Then the following day he would find something else. They had one meal at a time and rarely combined carbohydrates with their proteins. There was no such thing as a sandwich. In today’s world we have limitless food options, but our genetics have not evolved enough to just eat whatever’s in front of us. If you want to derive value from the foods you eat, they need to be properly digested. Even if the foods we take in are healthy- when spoiled in the digestive tract, they will do us more harm than good.

Food Combining– Since we all have digestive limitations, eating foods with similar characteristics will help the digestive process. The stomach secretes a different digestive juice when we eat a starch rather than when we eat a protein. Examples of easy to digest combination are rice and vegetables (starch) for lunch, then fish and salad (protein) for dinner.

Fruit is another category that breaks down better as a separate meal than mixed with other foods. Many times if we eat a grapefruit or orange as a snack and have indigestion it’s not because that fruit alone is problematic. It’s often due to having it so close to an earlier meal that’s causing the fruit to create fermentation. If you plan to eat fruit, it should be prior to a protein meal – not after.

Eliminating Coffee- Coffee, (especially the strong kind) tends to be very acidic and contributes to inflammation. The high level of caffeine is also a digestive trigger. If you need a pick up- try switching to green tea. Although green tea still contains some caffeine, it has significantly less than a cup of Joe. Additionally it contains the amino acid L-thenaine which actually eases anxiety. The effects of caffeine in green tea are usually balanced by L-theanine which won’t cause you to have that same jittery feeling. Additionally it can soothe your stomach.

Incorporate Raw Foods Into Your Diet Daily- Cooked food loses its enzymes after it has been heated at high temperatures. Raw fruit and vegetables are rich in enzymes which makes these foods easy to digest and pass through our system with ease. Indigestion won’t be caused by eating fruit or vegetables alone. If you plan to eat a heavy meal, starting with a salad may help prevent indigestion. It will also fill you up, preventing you from overeating the foods that are more difficult to break down.

Supplement with Digestive Enzymes– Gas, bloating, and indigestion are often caused by the inability to digest foods due to a lack of enzymes. Taking digestive enzymes 20 minutes before your biggest meals could make a significant difference by assisting assist in the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Add Probiotics to Your Repertoire– Digestive disorders and undigested food can lead to unhealthy bacteria in the intestines. Probiotics work to combat this. You can get probiotics by eating yogurt and fermented foods or by taking a probiotic supplement which is more concentrated. Adding this beneficial bacteria may ease your stomach as well as improve your immune system and overall health.